One of the objective of a time sheet is also to analyse the time spent on differents tasks or projects. There is on the App a (small) report of the actual/last week and month, but not much graphic and synthetic on the web. it would be nice to have the total hours by weeks or month for all projects, with the choice of reducing the tree-structure of the projects (like excel grouping for instance). So you could be able to see the total hours for each Project Level 1 for instance, with the choice of frequency in columns (days, weeks, months, years)...
Admin could receive a notification if an employee has logged lesser than the expected working hours. For ex: if the limit is 4 hours, and an employee logged only 2 hr in a day, the admin needs to notified of this.
For our company can be intersting to add a filter in the report to show how many minutes has been filled in by desktop app and how many minutes(hh:mm:ss) has been filled manually or by Web Application.
Dzień dobry. Czy jest możliwe dołożenie statystyki na zegarkach analogowych niczym pulpit samochodowy lub tak jak jest w samolocie, fajnie jak byłaby jakaś opcja wyboru, Przydałby się zegarek analogowy Wskazówki białe i czerwona sekundowa który byłby czymś na zasadzie gadzetu który można sobie zmieniac przezroczystość, od 100% do 5 Procent i zmieniać jego wysokość, większy mniejszy.
When using the "Lowest Subtask" requirement for time tracking, the app version does not work. There is no "start" button on any projects with tasks/subtasks. Only the projects with no levels of tasks/subtasks allow time tracking
Itd be great if when selecting a project with task/subtasks, it forced you to select a task/subtask. Right now, you can select a project with tasks/subtasks, and it lets you just select the project. If it were to force you to select a task/subtask, itd be much easier and keep for entry errors happening.
Project - Making Widgets
Task - Blue Widget, Red Widget, Yellow Widget
Subtask - Gluing, Wrapping, Boxing.
When you pick Making widgets, you're REQUIRED to pick red blue or yellow, then you're REQUIRED to pick gluing, wrapping, boxing
for some projects, there is an output of that project ie making widgets. Right now I just know how long I spent on creating those widgets, not how many were made during that time. Itd be great if there was an additional field where output could be put. My suggestion would be adding 2 additional fields: one for the output and one for how that output is measured ( widgets, cups, eaches, boxes, etc). So Id be able to select a project - Making Widgets, Task - Blue widgets, SubTask - Putting on Wheels, OUTPUT - 300, MEASUREMENT - Cases.
Itd be an amazing help to be able to spot pinch points in the project.
In the app version time camp has features like the cake diagram. This and other diagram options would make it more presentable or readable for you brain ;)
It'd be great for the ability, in the android or web app, to collapse 'tasks' into single tile item with a timer start/stop button and the amount of time spent on that task that day. Then I can hit the start timer button on that task, or hit the start timer button on another task causing the first to auto stop. It would function just the same as the system does now, keeping track of the starts/stops as separate line items. But I don't need to see that list all the time and it's distracting. Just want some tiles, start/stop, title, and total time committed.
A competitor has this feature. I work remotely (different region) from my client and if there is a way for the app to select a specific time zone so it doesn't get confusing for everyonem that would be great.
Sorry if this repeats someone else's prior submission, but here's the bug: this week was 28, 29, 30 of Sep, then 1, 2, 3 Oct, and it sorted my custom/weekly report as 1,2,3,28,29,30! What? yea, it sorted numerically by day of the month, not M,T,W,T,F,S,S day of the week. PLEASE could you all do some programming to provide a chronological ordering in the custom report. I do a custom report with "Daily" as the 1st index. What other way is there to show a full week, which I then can transpose into my company time card system.
OK, here's part 2: Again on the custom report - please provide an option to display the day of the week: Mon; Tue; Wed; Thu; Fri; not just the calendar day of the month. It's on the timesheet (weekly) beautifully, but not on the custom reports. If they'd add a "day of Week" icon, and maybe a "date" icon, then a user could optionally add those in. In both cases, the sort is not alphabetical, of course, but this ought not be breakthrough programming either.
My work around for now: in the "notes", I put 1-Mon-28Sep; 2-Tue-29Sep; 3-Wed-30Sep; etc. then I use the notes for that axis, so it sorts based on the notes entry leading characters and I then remove "Daily" entirely. That way I can see day of week, and date, and the leading number, 1- through 7-, makes it sort chronologically.
So then my report goes 1-Mon-28Sep; 2-Tue-29Sep; 3-Wed-30Sep across the top, the x-axis, while the projects (tasks) are the y-axis.
Oh, since I'm gabbing, I constantly flip between that report and timesheet week view. that about all I use, the week view of timesheet, but every flip goes to timesheet day view. Can the "Timesheet" menu have a dropdown to go directly to week view, instead of the extra mousing to open day view, then click week view once there. Or just remember which view I used last and flip back to whichever view was most recently used.
I mean this product is so close to perfect, just a few bits like this would really put it over the top.
Possibility to change category based on the user or department. For example: Facebook for 99% of users is a social media platform, but for the PR/Marketing Dept - it's their basic tool.
For a report like this, Can we please have a way of specifying the report parameters in the query string? For example, I want to be able to link to a report for "all time" and "all people" for a specific task
The filter selections are what I really care about when saving a custom report. The setup of the table is less of a concern as I typically use the same options all the time anyways.
This would make finding the relevant data I need much simpler. I could just click on my saved report for last weeks employee training time and see the all the training done last week.... or switch back to see just MY time from last week on all tasks .... or all my time on a single task.
Minha sugestão, é a inclusão de dois campos para cada tarefa, Data início e Data Fim. A data início será fixa e igual a data de criação da tarefa e a data fim livre para o usuário definir e alterar. Estes campos devem ser Data e Hora.
Na visão projetos será necessário incluir três opções de classificação automática, para utilização conforme a preferência do usuário: Data Início (crescente ou descrescente), Data Fim (crescente ou descrescente), Nome da tarefa (crescente ou decrescente). A classificação final será por hierarquia e o campo preferencial.
Se quiserem destacar as tarefas com o prazo vencido, fiquem á vontade, mas eu acho que a classificação automática é suficiente. Digo isso porque já possuem a categorização das tarefas por tag de cor.
A inclusão deste campo também permite a criação de um diagrama de gannt. Utilizando a mesma estrutura de hierarquia das tarefas, considerando a data início e a data fim e também as pessoas ou grupos atribuídos nas tarefas.
When one attempts to move a time entry, I see the alert message:
It is not allowed to move activities or merge entries while autocomplete mode is enabled due to incorrect values in duration and from-to. You can disable it in upper right corner by clicking gear icon.
I really think you should name the exact path to, and the name of exactly which option you are talking out. I searched for 10m and still didn't see any option called "autocomplete mode." Since moving a timeslice now and then might be helpful (esp if you don't have auto-sorting as per my previous suggestion) maybe making this option more accessible (like right on the timesheet as a checkbox) might be good.
I guess if you implement automated timeslice sorting (upon entering a work time period in the past) you can make all this go away.
It would be great if we could edit the titles of our entires. For example - I have one that says meeting with Elizabeth and Brooklyn. Brooklyn doesn't work there anymore - so would love to use the same title but just take out her name. Or I have one meeting where I spelled something wrong. So - would love to be able to edit it. Love your app!
I have task titles such as "layout of /Production-Guide/<productionGuideCategory>" in redmine that are being sync'd with timecamp. In a summary report on the tasks it is rendering these as full-fledged html tags rather than < > which means that a) I can't read the title properly and b) it might be a security problem because you can inject HTML rendering into issue titles
Report monthly and yearly by category suggestion
One of the objective of a time sheet is also to analyse the time spent on differents tasks or projects. There is on the App a (small) report of the actual/last week and month, but not much graphic and synthetic on the web. it would be nice to have the total hours by weeks or month for all projects, with the choice of reducing the tree-structure of the projects (like excel grouping for instance). So you could be able to see the total hours for each Project Level 1 for instance, with the choice of frequency in columns (days, weeks, months, years)...
Shamsi & Persian Calender suggestion
What about adding Jalali Calendar & Persian language?
Also Adding Saturday for beginning day of week?
Thank you for the idea - I will add this to our feedback list, so we can consider it in future improvements:)
Email notification to admin if an employee logged less than the required working hours suggestion
Admin could receive a notification if an employee has logged lesser than the expected working hours. For ex: if the limit is 4 hours, and an employee logged only 2 hr in a day, the admin needs to notified of this.
Add New Filter in the Report about Time Entry suggestion
For our company can be intersting to add a filter in the report to show how many minutes has been filled in by desktop app and how many minutes(hh:mm:ss) has been filled manually or by Web Application.
Due Dates and Checklists suggestion
It would be great to add a due date to tasks/projects and to add a checklist for a task.
Zegar analogowy na pulpit. suggestion
Dzień dobry. Czy jest możliwe dołożenie statystyki na zegarkach analogowych niczym pulpit samochodowy lub tak jak jest w samolocie, fajnie jak byłaby jakaś opcja wyboru, Przydałby się zegarek analogowy Wskazówki białe i czerwona sekundowa który byłby czymś na zasadzie gadzetu który można sobie zmieniac przezroczystość, od 100% do 5 Procent i zmieniać jego wysokość, większy mniejszy.
Workflow Max suggestion
Please add to integrate with Workflow Max (Xero).
we already have a backend integration with Xero which will download tasks from Xero and create TimeCamp task from them.
We are also strongly considering integration using Google Chrome Plugin in the nearest future.
Subtask not working on App error
When using the "Lowest Subtask" requirement for time tracking, the app version does not work. There is no "start" button on any projects with tasks/subtasks. Only the projects with no levels of tasks/subtasks allow time tracking
Please fix.
Required Tasks/Subtasks suggestion
Itd be great if when selecting a project with task/subtasks, it forced you to select a task/subtask. Right now, you can select a project with tasks/subtasks, and it lets you just select the project. If it were to force you to select a task/subtask, itd be much easier and keep for entry errors happening.
Project - Making Widgets
Task - Blue Widget, Red Widget, Yellow Widget
Subtask - Gluing, Wrapping, Boxing.
When you pick Making widgets, you're REQUIRED to pick red blue or yellow, then you're REQUIRED to pick gluing, wrapping, boxing
Adding Fields for Output suggestion
for some projects, there is an output of that project ie making widgets. Right now I just know how long I spent on creating those widgets, not how many were made during that time. Itd be great if there was an additional field where output could be put. My suggestion would be adding 2 additional fields: one for the output and one for how that output is measured ( widgets, cups, eaches, boxes, etc). So Id be able to select a project - Making Widgets, Task - Blue widgets, SubTask - Putting on Wheels, OUTPUT - 300, MEASUREMENT - Cases.
Itd be an amazing help to be able to spot pinch points in the project.
More graphics like cake diagram to reports suggestion
In the app version time camp has features like the cake diagram. This and other diagram options would make it more presentable or readable for you brain ;)
Ability for Android app to collapse 'tasks' into single item suggestion
It'd be great for the ability, in the android or web app, to collapse 'tasks' into single tile item with a timer start/stop button and the amount of time spent on that task that day. Then I can hit the start timer button on that task, or hit the start timer button on another task causing the first to auto stop. It would function just the same as the system does now, keeping track of the starts/stops as separate line items. But I don't need to see that list all the time and it's distracting. Just want some tiles, start/stop, title, and total time committed.
Great system! Keep up the good work.
Apply a default time zone regardless of my computer system's time settings suggestion
A competitor has this feature. I work remotely (different region) from my client and if there is a way for the app to select a specific time zone so it doesn't get confusing for everyonem that would be great.
Day of week on Custom Report, plus order by days of week, not days of month suggestion
Sorry if this repeats someone else's prior submission, but here's the bug: this week was 28, 29, 30 of Sep, then 1, 2, 3 Oct, and it sorted my custom/weekly report as 1,2,3,28,29,30! What? yea, it sorted numerically by day of the month, not M,T,W,T,F,S,S day of the week. PLEASE could you all do some programming to provide a chronological ordering in the custom report. I do a custom report with "Daily" as the 1st index. What other way is there to show a full week, which I then can transpose into my company time card system.
OK, here's part 2: Again on the custom report - please provide an option to display the day of the week: Mon; Tue; Wed; Thu; Fri; not just the calendar day of the month. It's on the timesheet (weekly) beautifully, but not on the custom reports. If they'd add a "day of Week" icon, and maybe a "date" icon, then a user could optionally add those in. In both cases, the sort is not alphabetical, of course, but this ought not be breakthrough programming either.
My work around for now: in the "notes", I put 1-Mon-28Sep; 2-Tue-29Sep; 3-Wed-30Sep; etc. then I use the notes for that axis, so it sorts based on the notes entry leading characters and I then remove "Daily" entirely. That way I can see day of week, and date, and the leading number, 1- through 7-, makes it sort chronologically.
So then my report goes 1-Mon-28Sep; 2-Tue-29Sep; 3-Wed-30Sep across the top, the x-axis, while the projects (tasks) are the y-axis.
Oh, since I'm gabbing, I constantly flip between that report and timesheet week view. that about all I use, the week view of timesheet, but every flip goes to timesheet day view. Can the "Timesheet" menu have a dropdown to go directly to week view, instead of the extra mousing to open day view, then click week view once there. Or just remember which view I used last and flip back to whichever view was most recently used.
I mean this product is so close to perfect, just a few bits like this would really put it over the top.
Exceptions suggestion
Possibility to change category based on the user or department. For example: Facebook for 99% of users is a social media platform, but for the PR/Marketing Dept - it's their basic tool.
The same can said about applications.
Pass report filters in querystring suggestion
For a report like this,
Can we please have a way of specifying the report parameters in the query string? For example, I want to be able to link to a report for "all time" and "all people" for a specific task
Save filter selections in Saving of Custom Report suggestion
The filter selections are what I really care about when saving a custom report. The setup of the table is less of a concern as I typically use the same options all the time anyways.
This would make finding the relevant data I need much simpler. I could just click on my saved report for last weeks employee training time and see the all the training done last week.... or switch back to see just MY time from last week on all tasks .... or all my time on a single task.
Allow for carryover between "days" suggestion
If my employee works past midnight, she cannot record time worked across two different days.
Lista de prioridades suggestion
Minha sugestão, é a inclusão de dois campos para cada tarefa, Data início e Data Fim. A data início será fixa e igual a data de criação da tarefa e a data fim livre para o usuário definir e alterar. Estes campos devem ser Data e Hora.
Na visão projetos será necessário incluir três opções de classificação automática, para utilização conforme a preferência do usuário: Data Início (crescente ou descrescente), Data Fim (crescente ou descrescente), Nome da tarefa (crescente ou decrescente). A classificação final será por hierarquia e o campo preferencial.
Se quiserem destacar as tarefas com o prazo vencido, fiquem á vontade, mas eu acho que a classificação automática é suficiente. Digo isso porque já possuem a categorização das tarefas por tag de cor.
A inclusão deste campo também permite a criação de um diagrama de gannt. Utilizando a mesma estrutura de hierarquia das tarefas, considerando a data início e a data fim e também as pessoas ou grupos atribuídos nas tarefas.
Isso vai enriquecer muito a aplicação.
Muito obrigado.
Moving Time Entries suggestion
When one attempts to move a time entry, I see the alert message:
It is not allowed to move activities or merge entries while autocomplete mode is enabled due to incorrect values in duration and from-to. You can disable it in upper right corner by clicking gear icon.
I really think you should name the exact path to, and the name of exactly which option you are talking out. I searched for 10m and still didn't see any option called "autocomplete mode." Since moving a timeslice now and then might be helpful (esp if you don't have auto-sorting as per my previous suggestion) maybe making this option more accessible (like right on the timesheet as a checkbox) might be good.
I guess if you implement automated timeslice sorting (upon entering a work time period in the past) you can make all this go away.
Suggestion suggestion
It would be great if we could edit the titles of our entires. For example - I have one that says meeting with Elizabeth and Brooklyn. Brooklyn doesn't work there anymore - so would love to use the same title but just take out her name. Or I have one meeting where I spelled something wrong. So - would love to be able to edit it. Love your app!
< and > characters should be escaped in task titles imported from redmine error
I have task titles such as "layout of /Production-Guide/<productionGuideCategory>" in redmine that are being sync'd with timecamp. In a summary report on the tasks it is rendering these as full-fledged html tags rather than < > which means that a) I can't read the title properly and b) it might be a security problem because you can inject HTML rendering into issue titles
Re-arrange Tasks Created / More Colors suggestion
There should be a way to arrange tasks created in a project. At the moment it can only be done alphabetically, right?
Lastly, add more choices to the colors.
Safari error
Is it a known issue that this site doesn't work with Safari? I can login only on Chrome
Insightly CRM and Desktop App on Mac OS suggestion
Tasks do not show up in the Desktop App for Mac OS for Insightly Tasks, Ops or Projects