1 vote

When clicking the continue tracking button on an existing time entry, it would be very helpful to have the new entry have the same tags as the entry you're continuing to track.

Anonymous 2022-01-18 22:38 0 comments
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I often forget to start the timer when working on a task. Then I have to go into my browser, open Timecamp create an entry. And that means I sometimes forget to book time. I'd love to be able to do more than just start the timer on the desk top app. Here are a couple of use cases:
In a meeting realise I forgot to start the timer. Start the timer in the desktop app and adjust the start time.
Finish working on a job and realise I didn't start the timer. Use the desk top app to create a manual time entry.

Anonymous 2021-10-29 12:41 0 comments
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Firefox add-on suggestion

My preferred browser is Firefox. I would like a TimeCamp add-on for Firefox that works with TickTick.

Anonymous 2021-10-27 03:00 0 comments
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Date format issues suggestion

I love the app, No joke, I really REALLY do. My client is insisting on me to account for literally every minute and what exactly was worked on and OMG, TimeCamp is a life saver, especially how it tracks which documents I had open when and how long (And I'd be glad to elaborate in a testimonial, and really brag how much your app helped us!).

SO I have three concerns:
1) It would be nice when a user opens the Timesheet tab that if the prior view was "weekly" that the app "remembers" to it open up that same view! I go back and forth a lot and it would be so much more convenient if the app took care of doing that (rather than the user needing to keep having to click it);
2) Our industry (pharmaceutical manufacturing) is mandated by the FDA to use a specific date format, usually in "30SEP21" format (or sometimes "30-SEP-21" which is also acceptable) since otherwise, you can't tell between the European and US formats (eg. is 10/11/21 October 11th or November 10th?). Excel handles this by offering a format choice "DD-MMM-YY" (or "DD-MMM-YYY"), and it knows to put the MMM as text string, 3 digit abbreviation. (TimeCamp only offers a 2 digit numeric representation of month)
Meanwhile, I'm retyping all my dates into this format for my submitted report (fortunately, I'm paid by the hour- LOL).
3) I really compliment the reporting options- I use "custom" (for my timecards). The format I use/need is 'day, task, hours' one week at a time with daily aggregation by task. BUT, the date format is primitive, it's only the day of the month. Two problems:
3a) The sort in the report is exclusively only the most recent day first. But I need option for oldest first (please)
3b) I also need the full date (see #2) in the "DD-MMM-YY" format. (now I have to retype) instead of just the two digit day as a numeric.
(I tried to see if "weekly" would help, but that is just pegged as one day, on the Saturday of the Week ended, but not the day by day date! Plus my week ends Sunday night, but I'm not hung up on that part).

Anonymous 2021-09-30 22:40 1 comment
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1 vote

Apple has recently made their screentime API available to developers. This would make it possible to have mobile iOS/iPadOS data immported into timecamp. This would be a great feature.

Anonymous 2021-09-06 21:05 0 comments
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Time Scheduling suggestion

The ability to set designated times of when to work on specific tasks by employee.

Anonymous 2021-08-20 21:00 1 comment
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Favourites tasks/projects. suggestion Checked

It would be nice to have a list of favourites when selecting the task/project to start a timer. Usually, we work on many different projects, scheduled meetings, etc. Currently we have to search the tasks, which can be improved if I'm able to select the tasks from a list of favourites.

Anonymous 2021-07-27 13:48 0 comments
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1 vote

Instead of only being able to export to excel, it would be great to be able to export custom reports to PDFS please

Anonymous 2021-07-13 12:12 1 comment
Has the answer

We decided not to export "custom" report to PDF, because it may have many columns and we can't guarantee that all will fit into one page. But it is not said it will ever stay that way. Thanks for your feedback.

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It will be nice to automate time entries updates from Zapier, or/and deletion of them. I have an integration that brings time entries into the system as non-billable, and I would like to transform them automatically into billable if the project is configured as such.

Anonymous 2021-07-21 14:03 0 comments
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1 vote

Calendar Dropdown suggestion Checked

Please adjust the calendars to have a dropdown so you can choose the month or year without having to click through each month.

Anonymous 2021-07-21 00:32 0 comments
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instead of just this year it would be great to see a previous 12 months filter to the reporting

Anonymous 2021-07-20 10:56 0 comments
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1 vote

Currently, the interface is very mouse-dependent. When I tab to progress to the next field, it doesn't tab in the expected order. In addition, there are no keyboard shortcuts that allow fast dat entry or notes. Please adjust the tab ordering and implement keyboard shortcuts

Anonymous 2021-06-25 18:57 0 comments
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Workflow Max suggestion

Please add to integrate with Workflow Max (Xero).

Anonymous 2020-11-05 04:47 1 comment
Has the answer


we already have a backend integration with Xero which will download tasks from Xero and create TimeCamp task from them.

We are also strongly considering integration using Google Chrome Plugin in the nearest future.

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Currently, after I create a task with a start time and end time, the next task is auto-populated with the start time of the previous task. The new task should be auto-populated with the end time of the previous task.
- Under Timesheet, enter a new task with start and end time. (example: start time is 1pm and end time is 2pm)
- Click Add Time Entry to save the entry
- Begin entering a new task. Note that the start and end times are auto-populated with the start time of the previous task just saved (example: populated with 1pm).
- The new task should be auto-populated with the end time (example: 2pm), since it is unlikely that I would create a new task with the same start time as previous

Anonymous 2021-05-19 16:00 0 comments
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I am the administrator and I have set the desktop tracking data to private, as we use it to inform our timesheets but not track users. Yet we can still see everyone's tracking data.

We have "Keep all computer usage tracking information entirely private and not shared with anyone besides the user that tracked that time" checked within the desktop application settings, under add ons. But I can still see all the tracking data from my colleagues.

Anonymous 2021-04-19 18:32 0 comments
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Desktop app log out suggestion

Need a way to log out of the desktop app as we have a laptop that is shared and we need to change whose timesheets it's logging against depending on who's using the laptop. Currently have to reinstall it each time as there is no obvious way to log out.

Anonymous 2021-04-19 18:14 0 comments
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1 vote

Have TimeCamp give you a notification, with sound, to start the timer again when you continue working without starting the timer. This way you can avoid having to log work sessions you didn't resume the timer for.

Anonymous 2021-04-12 18:27 0 comments
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Approval Filters suggestion

Ability to filter timesheets pending approval, vs. approved, vs not even submitted. Those of us who oversee huge teams or sit at top of org but need to keep the time flowing woudl appreciate this oversight control. See what we have to, not everyone and their status.

Anonymous 2021-01-23 00:04 1 comment
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1 vote


I think it would be awesome if the user could customize which days appear in the weekly "graphical timesheet" view (for example, removing Saturday and Sunday so that only working days are shown). I feel like this would provide a cleaner / less cluttered look to those who prefer to hide the days they are not working.

Thank you for your work!

Anonymous 2021-01-08 23:21 1 comment
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Hey there, would like to see a feature, where i can upload a filename list (or type it in manually), and link those names (tags) to a client.
Based on this list, TimeCamp could collect a report from my unassigned computer activities the usual way.
This would be really an amazing timesaver for me.

Anonymous 2021-02-17 10:01 0 comments
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Monthly budgets suggestion

We don't all have projects with a fixed time budget. If you work on a retainer, having a client budget that automatically resets every month is a huge benefit. Harvest even alerts you if you are hitting a certain % of your budget each month and our project managers love this feature.

Anonymous 2021-02-01 18:33 0 comments
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1 vote

Extend the Invoices table view with a sortable "Due Date" column next to the "Issue Date" column, and either:

- Auto-change the invoice status to "Overdue" if unpaid past the due date, or
- Have the Invoices table UI highlight ovedue invoices some way (red tag, red row, something)

Then extend the Email Notifications under My Profile settings with the option to be notified when an invoice is overdue.

Anonymous 2020-12-13 23:17 0 comments
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In order to make easier find unused tasks classification that can be deleted

Anonymous 2020-12-11 10:02 0 comments
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One of the objective of a time sheet is also to analyse the time spent on differents tasks or projects. There is on the App a (small) report of the actual/last week and month, but not much graphic and synthetic on the web. it would be nice to have the total hours by weeks or month for all projects, with the choice of reducing the tree-structure of the projects (like excel grouping for instance). So you could be able to see the total hours for each Project Level 1 for instance, with the choice of frequency in columns (days, weeks, months, years)...

Anonymous 2020-12-09 02:07 0 comments
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When using the "Lowest Subtask" requirement for time tracking, the app version does not work. There is no "start" button on any projects with tasks/subtasks. Only the projects with no levels of tasks/subtasks allow time tracking

Please fix.

Anonymous 2020-10-29 19:40 0 comments
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