12 votes

Where I can DONATE? suggestion Rejected

Where I can DONATE? Tell me guys. where.

Anonymous 2020-10-30 13:12 0 comments
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11 votes

How to handle suggestion suggestion Rejected

How to handle suggestion
Be a template, a crab, it will ease you ... sad but this system deprives people of creativity ... we stop thinking and this is the purpose of such systems or a side effect ,,, The TIMECAMP system is good for people with regular activities, for Me as a person working on In a highly creative position, reprogramming my psyche took about 3 years, instead of imagining how I want to create a given thing, I do it right away and then change it, but the way of thinking is not mine and this is the problem because from the professional level I represented I went down to the average level, quite average , and how to deal with it when work is my passion? and not a penalty ...

Please help me quickly

Anonymous 2020-11-05 09:33 0 comments
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11 votes

Jak sobie poradzić suggestion Rejected

Bądż szablonowym, krabem, ulży Ci ... smutne ale ten system pozbawia ludzi kreatywności ...przestajemy myśleć i to jest cel takich systemów lub efekt uboczny,,, System TIMECAMP jest dobry dla ludzi wykonujacych stałe czynności, dla Mnie jako osoby pracującej na stanowisku wysoce kreatywnym przeprogramowanie mojej psychiki trwało około 3 lata, zamiast sobie wyobrazić jak chce stworzyć daną rzecz to od razu ją robię a potem zmieniam, lecz sposób myślenia nie jest mój i w tym problem bo z poziomu profesjonalnego który reprezentowałem zszedłem na poziom średni dość przeciętny,, i jak sobie z tym poradzić gdy praca jest moją pasją? a nie karą...

Proszę o szybką pomoc

Anonymous 2020-11-05 09:23 0 comments
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3 votes

Pomysł na zegar dźwiękowy suggestion Rejected

Pomysł na zegar dźwiękowy, zegar ustawiony np co godzinę i mógłby mówić która jest godzina.

Anonymous 2020-11-06 12:12 1 comment
Has the answer

Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie,

w najbliższym czasie nie mamy w planie takiej funkcjonalności. Można ją uzyskać korzystając z dodatków do przeglądarek jak i w samym systemie operacyjnym.

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2 votes


Anonymous 2020-01-29 05:24 2 comments
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1 vote

Expense Tracking suggestion Rejected

Would be nice to have expense tracking (like Harvest has).

Anonymous 2019-09-17 20:41 1 comment
Has the answer

There are some possibilities to track expences in TimeCamp

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1 vote

An idea for a sound clock suggestion Rejected

An idea for a sound clock, a clock set e.g. every hour and could say what time it is.

Anonymous 2020-11-06 12:13 1 comment
Has the answer


we don't have that function in plans. There are some other ways to achieve that. Some with browser addons, some for your OS. Please check in Google to find one that will suit your needs.

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0 votes

Parallell activities suggestion Rejected

We'd like to use TimeCamp not so much for exact time-tracking, rather we'd like to create a log over all Trello card's present on a list at any given time. This could easily be achieved if you prepared a feature to start the timer on multiple cards instead of as now when activating TimeCamp timer on one card automatically stops the timer on any other card.
Ofcourse this also leads to that you need to allow for parallell activities in your TimeSheet
Would it also be possible to start the timer automatically as a new card is created, the we'd be in TimeCamp heaven!

Anonymous 2020-03-06 09:56 1 comment
Has the answer

TimeCamp allows to track time spent on user activities. I don't see how multiple parallel activities will help users and managers to track time correctly.

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