Hello there! I am happy to inform you that dark mode is available now. You can turn it on in your user settings. Choose an option "theme" -> "dark mode". I hope you will enjoy it :)
Czy jest funkcjonalność automatycznego usuwania danych, po wskazanym okresie? tak aby spełnić wymogi Retencji danych z Rozporządzenia o Ochronie danych osobowych?
Tak, działalność TimeCamp w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych jest zgodna z RODO i dane osobowe są usuwane po upływie 5 lat ze względu na to że mogą być wykorzystywane na potrzeby dowodowe w sprawach sądowy o ustalenie prawidłowości wysokości wypłaconego wynagrodzenia.
The bubbly-white view is much more difficult to read. Please add an option that allows to keep using the current display and does not force to update to the new. Or give us the option to customize display colors, etc..
(Personally, I will be moving away from TimeCamp if I am forced to use the new display).
Hello! We have just released themes. I suggest you to use the theme "classic" which is very similar to our old design. To do it, just click your avatar to go to your user settings and change the option "theme". I hope you will like it.
We record and charge our customers when we need to travel to their locations as part of our business, in addition to time spent there.
It would be great for us to be able to record our Travel related activities in TimeCamp where we keep our time entries, and make this part of our invoice cycle to customers.
Travel can:
- be Billable or Non-Billable - same as time
- have units like 450 Kilometers, OR 1 Trip, OR 2 Nights
This would add a lot of value to our us from our TimeCamp subscription.
your travel related activities could be added to tasks either by you (or an administrator if you have no rights to add new tasks).
As we don't have any integration with travel related software information about a type of travel (km, nights, etc) could be added as notes or tags to the time entries.
When using the api, removing and updating a time entry does not work according to the api documentation. So either the documentation is wrong or the website is not working as it should. I think this is a bug, is it possible to fix this?
we have updated the API documentation some time ago. It looks better, has better usability and all the endpoint were checked if they describe the real usage of the system.
See at https://developer.timecamp.com/
Let's talk Wunderlist Integration alternatives
Know your options before the app is gone on May 6
The bad news: Microsoft has finally decided to shutter Wunderlist. The shut down is planned for May 6.
That means you've got about four months to figure out where you'll track your tasks (and how to get all your history and existing to-dos into your new app).
The good news: Microsoft has replaced it with Microsoft Todo, a parallel project.
It would be useful to only be able to track computer activities for when a project is running outside of working hours so that people have a bit more privacy in their own time.
There is an administration setting for the desktop app which defines in which hour app is collecting the data. With that you can either track in business hours or outside of business hours. That depends on administrator's choise.
We switched over to the new desktop application in our office and really like it compared to the old app. However, computer tracking is not working on any computers in our office (Windows 10). I would like to continue to use the new app instead of going back to the older version just to get the computer tracking to work...
Actually, it is possible - just go to your attendance settings, and choose the option "use data from: computer activity data from desktop application". Then your attendance report will be based on computer time.
i use the website instead of the desktop app because it its more reliable and helps me keep better track of my time. a dark theme would be a nice option
I’m happy to announce that Two-factor authentication is already available :) To turn go to Add-ons settings and turn on the Two-factor authentication module.
Please add to integrate with write manually to My copybook, because My work is creative, i write manually in My copybook, when I start design something need to THINK !!!
Please let the user choose if he wants that Todoist automatically sychronise with Timechamp
(So no need to press the button everytime you add a new task or project in Todoist)
Each integration available in TimeCamp is automatic but it happens in intervals. Usually 1 or 2 hours between the integrations. So there is no need to click a button, unless you want the task to appear instantly without waiting.
DARK MODE suggestion Resolved
Can we please have a dark mode with a dark background?
Everyone has a darkmode now, iOS, Android, Windows, Chrome, Slack...
Hello there! I am happy to inform you that dark mode is available now. You can turn it on in your user settings. Choose an option "theme" -> "dark mode". I hope you will enjoy it :)
See who did the approval of a time sheet suggestion Resolved
We would like to see who did the Approval of a time sheet in the Approvals tab (ie as in attached screen pic).
I’m happy to announce that the new version of Approvals is coming soon and the approver name will be visible as you requested 🙂
TimeCamp Redesign suggestion Resolved
Complete website redesign.
retencja danaych osobowych question Resolved
Czy jest funkcjonalność automatycznego usuwania danych, po wskazanym okresie? tak aby spełnić wymogi Retencji danych z Rozporządzenia o Ochronie danych osobowych?
Tak, działalność TimeCamp w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych jest zgodna z RODO i dane osobowe są usuwane po upływie 5 lat ze względu na to że mogą być wykorzystywane na potrzeby dowodowe w sprawach sądowy o ustalenie prawidłowości wysokości wypłaconego wynagrodzenia.
Allow us to keep the old version of TimeCamp and not update to the new display. suggestion Resolved
The bubbly-white view is much more difficult to read. Please add an option that allows to keep using the current display and does not force to update to the new. Or give us the option to customize display colors, etc..
(Personally, I will be moving away from TimeCamp if I am forced to use the new display).
Hello! We have just released themes. I suggest you to use the theme "classic" which is very similar to our old design. To do it, just click your avatar to go to your user settings and change the option "theme". I hope you will like it.
Ability to Add Non Time Related Entries suggestion Resolved
We record and charge our customers when we need to travel to their locations as part of our business, in addition to time spent there.
It would be great for us to be able to record our Travel related activities in TimeCamp where we keep our time entries, and make this part of our invoice cycle to customers.
Travel can:
- be Billable or Non-Billable - same as time
- have units like 450 Kilometers, OR 1 Trip, OR 2 Nights
This would add a lot of value to our us from our TimeCamp subscription.
your travel related activities could be added to tasks either by you (or an administrator if you have no rights to add new tasks).
As we don't have any integration with travel related software information about a type of travel (km, nights, etc) could be added as notes or tags to the time entries.
Approvals on Weekly Timesheets suggestion Resolved
It seems that the "Approve Timesheet" button only works on the Daily view
There is an option in approval settings which allow to choose the period for approvals either daily or weekly.
Tags in time entry suggestion Resolved
Tag support in time entry would be good to categorize tasks. It should be possible to use this tag in custom reporting of course.
I'm happy to announce that we just introduced a new feature with is Tag module! If you have any feedback or thoughts - please share with me
When I click 'tax' on an invoice, the site crashes error Resolved
I lose the invoice I'm working on. This is a recent issue.
Thanks so much for letting us know. It's a bug and we will do our best to fix it asap.
GPS Tracker suggestion Resolved
GPS location tracking. Track employee locations when working on-site.
it's already possible in our Mobile App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timecamp.mobile&hl=pl&gl=US
NIGHT MODE suggestion Resolved
Dark background theme/option please. I'd like to keep TimeCamp window/tab open on a side monitor while I work, but it's blindingly white.
Night Mode,
Fighter of the White Light,
Champion of the Dark,
You're a Master of Vision,
And kindness
For everyone's eyes
Hello, dark mode is available in our settings as a theme. To change the theme, navigate to your user settings and choose the „Dark” Theme
Integrarion with Hubspot suggestion Resolved
A HubSpot and Timecamp would provide the ultimate solution for project time tracking.
we have just released Google Chrome Plugin which is the solution for you. It has the integration with more than 60 websites (including HubSpot).
Link to the plugin:
Api documentation wrong or web application does not work correctly error Resolved
When using the api, removing and updating a time entry does not work according to the api documentation. So either the documentation is wrong or the website is not working as it should. I think this is a bug, is it possible to fix this?
we have updated the API documentation some time ago. It looks better, has better usability and all the endpoint were checked if they describe the real usage of the system.
See at https://developer.timecamp.com/
Microsoft Todo support (Officially Replaces Wunderlist May 6 2020) suggestion Resolved
Let's talk Wunderlist Integration alternatives
Know your options before the app is gone on May 6
The bad news: Microsoft has finally decided to shutter Wunderlist. The shut down is planned for May 6.
That means you've got about four months to figure out where you'll track your tasks (and how to get all your history and existing to-dos into your new app).
The good news: Microsoft has replaced it with Microsoft Todo, a parallel project.
There is a backend integration with Microsoft To Do similar to one we already had with Wunderlist.
Only track distracting time during office hours suggestion Resolved
It would be useful to only be able to track computer activities for when a project is running outside of working hours so that people have a bit more privacy in their own time.
There is an administration setting for the desktop app which defines in which hour app is collecting the data. With that you can either track in business hours or outside of business hours. That depends on administrator's choise.
PipeDrive Integration suggestion Resolved
Dear Developers,
Could you consider Integrating TimeCamp with PipeDrive?
Pipedrive is great for sales organizations such as ours and it would save time being able to integrate both.
Thanking you in advance,
Best regards,
Alejandro Szita
Right now we have a fresh integration with PipeDrive over a Chrome Plugin. It allows to quickly start/stop timer from the PipeDrive
New Desktop App Bug Fixes suggestion Resolved
We switched over to the new desktop application in our office and really like it compared to the old app. However, computer tracking is not working on any computers in our office (Windows 10). I would like to continue to use the new app instead of going back to the older version just to get the computer tracking to work...
Computer time report suggestion Resolved
Would be nice if we could use computer time for attendance purposes
Actually, it is possible - just go to your attendance settings, and choose the option "use data from: computer activity data from desktop application". Then your attendance report will be based on computer time.
Classic View question Resolved
Can we switch back to the classic view? I'm not a fan of modern, and the "classic" view isn't the actual classic view (pre-modern roll out)
Classic mode is available in out settings as a theme. To change the theme, navigate to your user settings, choose the „Classic” Theme
dark mode suggestion Resolved
i use the website instead of the desktop app because it its more reliable and helps me keep better track of my time. a dark theme would be a nice option
Multi-factor authentication suggestion Resolved
It would be good to have multi-factor authentication on login available for extra data security.
I’m happy to announce that Two-factor authentication is already available :) To turn go to Add-ons settings and turn on the Two-factor authentication module.
Second Step Authentication for Passwords suggestion Resolved
Password 2-Step Authentication needed for safer accounts.
Please add to integrate with write manually to My copybook suggestion Resolved
Please add to integrate with write manually to My copybook, because My work is creative, i write manually in My copybook, when I start design something need to THINK !!!
as far I understand you may create a task called "manual work" or anytime you like or if you have no rights please ask your administrator to do so.
Tags suggestion Resolved
It would be great to have tags
Todoist (optional) automatic sychronisation suggestion Resolved
Please let the user choose if he wants that Todoist automatically sychronise with Timechamp
(So no need to press the button everytime you add a new task or project in Todoist)
Each integration available in TimeCamp is automatic but it happens in intervals. Usually 1 or 2 hours between the integrations. So there is no need to click a button, unless you want the task to appear instantly without waiting.