1 vote

Sorry if this repeats someone else's prior submission, but here's the bug: this week was 28, 29, 30 of Sep, then 1, 2, 3 Oct, and it sorted my custom/weekly report as 1,2,3,28,29,30! What? yea, it sorted numerically by day of the month, not M,T,W,T,F,S,S day of the week. PLEASE could you all do some programming to provide a chronological ordering in the custom report. I do a custom report with "Daily" as the 1st index. What other way is there to show a full week, which I then can transpose into my company time card system.

OK, here's part 2: Again on the custom report - please provide an option to display the day of the week: Mon; Tue; Wed; Thu; Fri; not just the calendar day of the month. It's on the timesheet (weekly) beautifully, but not on the custom reports. If they'd add a "day of Week" icon, and maybe a "date" icon, then a user could optionally add those in. In both cases, the sort is not alphabetical, of course, but this ought not be breakthrough programming either.

My work around for now: in the "notes", I put 1-Mon-28Sep; 2-Tue-29Sep; 3-Wed-30Sep; etc. then I use the notes for that axis, so it sorts based on the notes entry leading characters and I then remove "Daily" entirely. That way I can see day of week, and date, and the leading number, 1- through 7-, makes it sort chronologically.
So then my report goes 1-Mon-28Sep; 2-Tue-29Sep; 3-Wed-30Sep across the top, the x-axis, while the projects (tasks) are the y-axis.

Oh, since I'm gabbing, I constantly flip between that report and timesheet week view. that about all I use, the week view of timesheet, but every flip goes to timesheet day view. Can the "Timesheet" menu have a dropdown to go directly to week view, instead of the extra mousing to open day view, then click week view once there. Or just remember which view I used last and flip back to whichever view was most recently used.

I mean this product is so close to perfect, just a few bits like this would really put it over the top.

Anonymous 2020-10-04 07:07 0 comments
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I have task titles such as "layout of /Production-Guide/<productionGuideCategory>" in redmine that are being sync'd with timecamp. In a summary report on the tasks it is rendering these as full-fledged html tags rather than &lt; &gt; which means that a) I can't read the title properly and b) it might be a security problem because you can inject HTML rendering into issue titles

Anonymous 2020-09-14 11:13 0 comments
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Safari error

Is it a known issue that this site doesn't work with Safari? I can login only on Chrome

Anonymous 2020-09-10 13:22 0 comments
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Currently, you cannot simply drag'n'drop whole block of time entry within a day.

Anonymous 2020-08-03 10:53 0 comments
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You all suffer from typical clean interface design disease where you think that lack of text makes an app easier to use.
Is a user really supposed to intuit that a clock means timesheet entry, a pie chart means reports, and a file folder means projects?? More over, why should I have to remember that, when the text descriptions served as fine navigation bar entries in the past?

At least have some mercy and add a hover tooltip that tells what the icons are for.

Anonymous 2020-07-30 17:12 0 comments
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1 vote

When I have TomeCamp as pinned page in browser I can't see if timer works or not. All I need is red dot as e.g. in Messanger tab icon :-)

TJ 2020-07-30 12:44 0 comments
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Rate selection suggestion

Allow people to choose rates based on each task entered in the schedule, or associate rates with a specific task within a project.

Anonymous 2020-07-24 03:22 0 comments
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in custom report the only option is that the weekly entries are descending, so first you see last week. We would like to make a monthly report starting with the first (oldest) week and ending with the last week.

Anonymous 2020-06-02 11:50 0 comments
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Budget tracking suggestion

I really need the project time reports to be more quickly readable. I used to use toggl and they have a beautiful visual layout that is quick and easy to uderstand. But I think the biggest challenge is that sub task need to add up and total major headings and these need to be more easily readable/separated with tabs, or separate lists, or be able to view only the major categories. Then I can get a quick view of the project status, and if there are issues, dive into the sub tasks to determine where the overruns are occuring.

Anonymous 2020-04-21 16:31 0 comments
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is there a function that the administrator can't see all the acitivities of the employees? That is an infringement of the privacy of my employees.

Anonymous 2020-04-10 17:56 0 comments
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Timecamp   improved budget control

What is the benefit?

This would allow to have a parent task as budget control which is usually (in our case) linked to a fixed overall budget.
For example: 80H - Product Portfolio Development (all subtasks are project level tasks for employes and don't have any influence on project budget)

All Subtasks can have budgets but are not accumulated with parent total.

We would really need this with Jira integration. Estimates for developers are not the same as fixed project time budgets.

Anonymous 2019-11-20 14:48 1 comment
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Delete task message

When a task is being deleted, the attached message is displayed - which is great, except, you are being lazy.
Computers should make my job easier. You should already know if I have tasks attached or if there are no entries, because I move them all to another project. So message should be more intelligent. this would save a lot of time checking and double checking to make sure I'm not deleting any tasks/entries.
Is this not OBVIOUS? Why do you need a suggestion for basic functionality?
Why use a computer, if you make me do all the work? Does anyone in your company actually use your product?

Anonymous 2020-02-24 17:19 0 comments
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Team Messages suggestion

Would be nice to email certain groups, or my entire team to remind them to enter time, or other reminders. The specific use case is to remind those who have entered time but not submitted, but could prove useful for other business cases as well.

Anonymous 2020-02-03 16:41 0 comments
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I think this used to work at some point but if I try to use search to find a task with accentuated chars, such as "Développement général" for instance, it doesn't find the task. the workaround is to type whatever chars that aren't accentuated, something like "veloppement" would work. Really annoying!

Anonymous 2020-01-22 14:32 0 comments
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I sometimes work where i, say, start at 20:00 and work through to 1am the next day. However, the JS validation doesn't like times beyond 23:59 for a given day.

No major biggie tho.

Anonymous 2020-01-20 15:00 0 comments
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1 vote

Tasks should inherit settings from projects and subtasks from tasks.

For instance, I have one general project (non billable) for many administrative tasks. I create those tasks, but while the project is non billable, I have to go back to projects and change the default each time, if I create the task while entering the activity. This alone takes one-two minutes away from productivity. The same for subtasks of a task.

It goes natural that a task in a billable project is billable and one in non billable is non billable. The same goes for tags and for person assigned to the task (I don't use it, but then again).

Anonymous 2019-12-13 16:17 0 comments
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I have a need to find a task (in my large list of tasks) by simply clicking a link. I do not wish to "share a link" because I would have to do this fir each and every task.
Can something be done where I can either browse directly to the task with a given task id?
Or can something else like automatically performing a search once I come in to the site with a given url, be done?

Anonymous 2019-11-22 14:22 0 comments
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1 vote

We would greatly appreciate a Chrome Plugin for BaseCamp 3 so that we can log time on a project directly from the BaseCamp web interface.
Thank you and kind regards,

PeterH 2019-10-10 12:05 0 comments
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The ability to delete computer activities directly from the timesheet without deleting the entire time entry. selecting the unwanted ones with the check boxes that are already there, but then have a delete selected option or something

Anonymous 2019-09-06 06:48 0 comments
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For example: client with the name clientX and I have multiple projects underneath clientX.


At the moment I can shere the link but I have to explicitly check project 1 and 2.

What will be nice is if we have a link on the root project to include all sub projects so I don't have to resend an link every time we add an project.

So ideally it will be a page where the client can go and pull their own reports without logging in

Anonymous 2019-08-29 16:33 0 comments
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1 vote

I had TimeCamp (old) installed on Windows 10. I installed TimeCamp Desktop (new). Both applications were then running. Both widgets were available. I closed the old application and uninstalled it and the Widget for the new application went away. I reinstalled the new application. No change. I rebooted. No change. I downloaded the version again and reinstalled. No change. Where has the widget gone?

ury531449 2019-08-22 16:20 1 comment
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1 vote
Timecampdesktop 2019 08 22 07 25 42

This message instructs me to click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to change the autocomplete settings. Unfortunately (1) there are two gear icons near the upper right corner (the intended icon is the one in the screenshot, but there is another under the messagebox) and (2) when I click on the correct gear icon there is no setting called autocomplete mode (the intended setting is labelled 'Synchronise timeframe with duration...'). This instruction needs some clarification.

ury531449 2019-08-22 15:39 0 comments
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1 vote

We are a firm that will be transitioning into FileVine. Any thoughts on TimeCamp integration with the Filevine case management software?

Anonymous 2019-08-09 01:05 0 comments
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It would be nice to be able to quickly make a report of everyone's computer time.

Anonymous 2019-08-08 02:30 0 comments
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1 vote

Particularly for sending copies of receipts, but I'm sure there are other use cases for this too.

Anonymous 2019-07-17 15:12 0 comments
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