1 vote

Have TimeCamp give you a notification, with sound, to start the timer again when you continue working without starting the timer. This way you can avoid having to log work sessions you didn't resume the timer for.

Anonymous 2021-04-12 18:27 0 comments
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0 votes

Depending on the customer you work for it could be that you need to provide different bank details. Right now I have to type these in the address field, which is not great. Would be good if you can select the right details when creating the invoice or link it to a customer

Anonymous 2021-04-01 10:33 0 comments
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0 votes

As reports are sent to clients, it would be wise to have a feature that hides the users name, to comply with privacy laws.

Anonymous 2021-03-31 22:45 0 comments
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0 votes

Constant Color suggestion

In every project I set the color to "Set for all subtasks" and Set for everyone". If there's a way to make this default, I haven't found it. That should certainly be available.

Even more basic is that the checkboxes for those should STAY checked so I know I've done that task. Occasionally I miss it and my assistant is seeing different colors for some reason, and that's confusing. Not a big deal, but definitely sub-optimal and not what I'd expect as an interface element.

Anonymous 2021-03-29 19:42 0 comments
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0 votes

Currently, I can give people the ability to run reports on time based on the project. However, we're heavily utilizing tags and some users who could use the ability in some cases (e.g. tags) should not have the ability to see everyone's time all the time within that project (except for the relevant tags).

Anonymous 2021-03-22 17:24 1 comment
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Currently only in "custom" report it is possible to use tags. We are planning to improve reporting by tags but cannot be promised when exactly.

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6 votes

Hello. I use a resource to calculate the time spent on cross stitching. Just a hobby, not a business.
I would like to export my activities in order to make more beautiful visualizations (not just the number per day), but I cannot export the data. I can't even copy the data because of some script that shows the data. And I have been using the resource for more than three years.
$ 7 per month just to get export and not use any other functionality is very expensive for me.
I would suggest making the export always available for a one-time fee. And as a matter of happiness - monthly detailed reports to the mail to automate the construction of beautiful graphs.

uk141 2021-03-22 09:49 0 comments
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3 votes

I have some clients who wish to be notified when their project has reached a set number of hours and others who are billed for their project in increments, thereby needing to track when specific hourly checkpoints are met. Having a feature that you could set a notification (or multiple) to the task/project owner for when reaching a specified number of hours would help to know when that checkpoint is reached rather than surpassed as most times I'm not looking at an individual customers hours on a daily basis (or even weekly typically).

Example: Client wants to be notified each time they hit 5 hours for task request completion in order to budget for payment of work. Typically the client has between 5-10 hours per month (billing period). This allows for notification to the task/project owner to tell the client their time has been reached for the month and decide if the task should be completed or wait until the following month.

Example: Client is billed at a project rate split between 4 payments. The estimated time for the project is 75 hours. Initial payment is made before the project starts and the following payments are due at 25 hours, 50 hours, and at project completion. Notifications to the project owner to process billing for those increments would allow for streamlined billing.

Anonymous 2021-03-16 17:23 0 comments
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1 vote

Hey there, would like to see a feature, where i can upload a filename list (or type it in manually), and link those names (tags) to a client.
Based on this list, TimeCamp could collect a report from my unassigned computer activities the usual way.
This would be really an amazing timesaver for me.

Anonymous 2021-02-17 10:01 0 comments
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1 vote

Monthly budgets suggestion

We don't all have projects with a fixed time budget. If you work on a retainer, having a client budget that automatically resets every month is a huge benefit. Harvest even alerts you if you are hitting a certain % of your budget each month and our project managers love this feature.

Anonymous 2021-02-01 18:33 0 comments
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1 vote

Approval Filters suggestion

Ability to filter timesheets pending approval, vs. approved, vs not even submitted. Those of us who oversee huge teams or sit at top of org but need to keep the time flowing woudl appreciate this oversight control. See what we have to, not everyone and their status.

Anonymous 2021-01-23 00:04 1 comment
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0 votes

Right now can just see frequency, to, next and delete. WOuld be good to open up that report, tweak it if needed, etc.

Anonymous 2021-01-23 00:01 0 comments
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2 votes

ability to assign a user to multiple groups (someone may split time between multiple groups)?

Anonymous 2021-01-22 23:57 0 comments
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6 votes

Custom Users fields suggestion

Create custom fields to users to track certain information (salary/hourly, etc) for reporting purposes (filters).

Anonymous 2021-01-22 23:56 0 comments
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0 votes

Is it possible to filter for those that have not entered time (or even better, those that have entered > or < a certain amount of hours)

I know we can export, but a periodic report of those that haven't entered sent every week would be HUGE for compliance.

Anonymous 2021-01-22 21:40 0 comments
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0 votes

Tags within mobile suggestion

Anonymous 2021-01-22 16:44 0 comments
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0 votes

SSO for Mobile suggestion

Anonymous 2021-01-22 16:43 0 comments
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0 votes

We are working on multiple projects which have some files with unique names, but also share some common files/libraries.

We can define the unique project file names as keywords for each project, so that TimeCamp automatically detects what Project we are currently working on. But if we define the common file name "say File A", which is common to both projects, as keywords for both projects, then TimeCamp seems to look for the first project "alphabetically" in which the keyword is found and then auto detect and change to that project.

So, if we have defined the same keyword "File A" in both Project A and Project B and Project B has currently been auto-detected (based on another keyword unique to Project B), then if we start to edit File A, we would like TimeCamp to continue recording time against Project B (as File A is defined as a keyword for Project B), rather than switch to Project A (where File A has also been defined as a keyword), just because it is searching alphabetically through the projects for the first project in which the keyword could be found.

So, we would like TimeCamp to look for the keyword in the project which is currently auto-detected, before looking to find the keyword in other projects alphabetically.

Or, ideally to look for the keyword in the projects in the order in which they have been more recently used, rather than alphabetically - then select the project for which the keyword has been defined based on the project most recently used.

Thank you.

Anonymous 2021-01-22 16:16 0 comments
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0 votes

Hi, would it be possible to have export to PDF on custom report? similar as for Detailed or summary reports.

Anonymous 2021-01-11 09:31 0 comments
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1 vote


I think it would be awesome if the user could customize which days appear in the weekly "graphical timesheet" view (for example, removing Saturday and Sunday so that only working days are shown). I feel like this would provide a cleaner / less cluttered look to those who prefer to hide the days they are not working.

Thank you for your work!

Anonymous 2021-01-08 23:21 1 comment
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0 votes

It's on your web site, it's in the Google Chrome extension store, but it's greyed out and doesn't appear to work. What gives?

Anonymous 2021-01-05 20:16 0 comments
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3 votes

The time entries can indicate whether the registration was a telephone call, meeting, presentation or the like.

upa628287 2020-12-26 15:11 1 comment
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0 votes

Page: Invoices

Scenario: Start to type a client name in the "Client" input box, then press the down arrow key in an attempt to move the cursor down into the auto-complete suggestions to pick a client via keyboard navigation.

Expected Behavior: Arrow keys would work like a native select box and allow one to navigate to the desired client and hit "enter" to confirm selection

Actual Behavior: The entire page locks up, becoming completely non-responsive.

daniel 2020-12-14 17:57 1 comment
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we have also notices problem with this (and the other) components of similar kind and we are going to fix this.

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1 vote

Extend the Invoices table view with a sortable "Due Date" column next to the "Issue Date" column, and either:

- Auto-change the invoice status to "Overdue" if unpaid past the due date, or
- Have the Invoices table UI highlight ovedue invoices some way (red tag, red row, something)

Then extend the Email Notifications under My Profile settings with the option to be notified when an invoice is overdue.

Anonymous 2020-12-13 23:17 0 comments
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1 vote

In order to make easier find unused tasks classification that can be deleted

Anonymous 2020-12-11 10:02 0 comments
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0 votes

On the App, the display of the Timesheet isn't easy to read, as there is just the category of the task with the tree structure and the duration, but it would be helpful to have also the start and end hours, as on any calendar view. Also, the order of the tasks can be modified on the web (setup in timesheet - view per day) but not on the App where it should be syncronized with the sorting set on the web, or a separate setup on the app

Anonymous 2020-12-11 09:51 0 comments
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