6 votes

Custom Users fields suggestion

Create custom fields to users to track certain information (salary/hourly, etc) for reporting purposes (filters).

Anonymous 2021-01-22 23:56 0 comments
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6 votes

keep timer current suggestion

This might be an artefact of my using Chromium on Linux, but I find that I have to refresh the Timer page before clicking the start button if I want the start time of any given work period to display correctly.

That is, if I have left that window unattended since, say, 1900hr, and I then return to it 15 minutes later to start recording a period of work, the start time of that block of work is displayed as 1900hr, not 1915hr.

The fix for this is to reload the page before clicking the start button, but I often forget.

Anonymous 2020-01-13 21:47 0 comments
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6 votes
Type beeing off

Ability to edit type of absence list to have a clear destinction between beeing off (e.g. public holiday, holiday or spending overtime).

Anonymous 2019-05-29 16:35 0 comments
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6 votes

Would you find useful an integration with CharlieHR?

Anonymous 2019-05-06 09:58 0 comments
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6 votes

Anonymous 2019-04-09 14:37 0 comments
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5 votes

Every task is billable by default. There is no setting to change this, and no way to bulk edit, so it takes quite a lot of navigation and clicking to change tasks from billable to non-billable (or vice versa). It's nice that I can change the colour for a whole tree at once, but billing is more important to manage easily.

Anonymous 2019-08-30 12:44 2 comments
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5 votes

Jak w temacie.
Czy możliwe będzie:
- dodawanie własnych kategorii
-zmiana nazwy istniejących kategorii

Pozdrawiam, Marek

Anonymous 2020-01-15 18:39 2 comments
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5 votes

Monthly Time Sheets suggestion

We do monthly time sheets, can we do approval by monthly please?

Anonymous 2020-09-02 14:55 0 comments
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5 votes

App For Phone usage suggestion

It would be cool to have a way to track usage on a smartphone in the same way as the desktop app

Anonymous 2020-01-26 02:51 1 comment
Has the answer

Thank you for the idea - I will add this to our feedback list, so we can consider it in future improvements.

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5 votes
Time report 20190606

It would be nice to be able to generate a time report from the invoice data PDF format, similar to the Invoice look. Our customer requires us to have a fully descriptive time report but want a short invoice for accounting purpose. Since accounting dept don't approve the actual time, they need the approval from the project manager. Project manager review with other internal team member the work performed but do not want to disclose the invoice cost of the outsourcing service. See example of and expected report.

Anonymous 2019-06-06 21:09 0 comments
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5 votes

The custom Report is pretty useless because of the current selectable object are too limited. We need at the minimum to add the two following objects
- DATE (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
- TASK TIME (in HH:MM-HH:MM, start - stop)

The column width should also be resizable and saved as part of each individual custom reports the "reports lists".
Also make sure that all fields have wrap around text, especially NOTE. We write a lot of information in the NOTE field for task time work justification and it is almost impossible to see the content in most view in Timecamp.

Anonymous 2019-06-06 20:15 0 comments
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5 votes


I bill my clients with a minimum of 15 minutes. If I find out that I accidentially recorded 12,5 minutes, it is hard to track down the exact value in the time sheet and correct it. Alternatively, maybe a feature would help that always rounds up my time entries to at least 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, etc.

Anonymous 2019-04-15 08:16 2 comments
Has the answer


As Kamil mentioned we already have such a feature. You can enable it by choosing Report time rounding in Time Tracking Settings: https://new.timecamp.com/app#/settings/addons/timesheets

Let us know if it was helpful :)

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4 votes

The option exists to copy a time entry/entries to either a single day, or to a range of days, where the range of days copies it to every day within that time period. My suggestion is to allow users to copy a time entry to multiple days that may not be every day within a range. For example, I have a meeting that recurs every Tuesday. And a different meeting that recurs every Tuesday and Thursday. Currently, I must copy these meetings one by one, or I must copy to a range, and delete the days the meetings don't occur on. The current functionality results in almost the same number of clicks/time to copy the entries as to just create new entries.

Anonymous 2021-07-27 16:45 2 comments
Has the answer

Good idea, we will surely take that into consideration.
Meanwhile if this meeting are kept in Google Calendar you may integrate your account with Google Calendar and then all of them will appear in your timesheet.

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4 votes
Screenshot 20201013 085334

In the app version time camp has features like the cake diagram. This and other diagram options would make it more presentable or readable for you brain ;)

Anonymous 2020-10-13 08:59 1 comment
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4 votes

The filter selections are what I really care about when saving a custom report. The setup of the table is less of a concern as I typically use the same options all the time anyways.

This would make finding the relevant data I need much simpler. I could just click on my saved report for last weeks employee training time and see the all the training done last week.... or switch back to see just MY time from last week on all tasks .... or all my time on a single task.

Anonymous 2020-09-25 17:49 0 comments
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4 votes

Anonymous 2020-07-22 15:35 0 comments
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4 votes
2019 09 11 16 28 46

I expect the Windows system tray to show just one TimeCamp icon, but when I open the tray an icon appears for each process. Shortly after this, the icons condense to just one. Please eliminate the redundant icons.
Windows 10 64 bit Version 1809, build 17763.615

Anonymous 2019-09-12 01:54 2 comments
Has the answer

Hello, I am afraid that it is not a normal behaviour, can you please contact our support to get help with it?

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4 votes

Currently, only Day view has "Bulk edit" feature. Would love to have it for a week view.

Anonymous 2020-07-20 17:43 0 comments
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4 votes
Timecamp bug

I registered with my generated password of 40 characters. This worked fine.
After being logged out i came back later and then couldn't use the correct password, because the password form field has a max length of 36 characters.

Steps to reproduce:
1. register / change password with password > 36 chars
2. try logging in with this password

See the attachment for the error output.

Anonymous 2019-12-18 08:51 1 comment
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4 votes
Task widget

A colour change or some other obvious indicator to show when the timer is running would be nice. The text changes and so does the play button but they are very subtle, especially considering how small the widget is on a 4k display. I have attached an example of the approach Time Doctor uses. Any number of alternative approaches might be good. In Time Doctor the task colour changes, the header colour changes, the icon and its colour change, and in the widget the text goes bold and a light turns on to show that the app is 'recording'.

ury531449 2019-08-15 10:35 2 comments
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4 votes

There are sometimes errors on my computer that pop up during the night, or adds that pop up and it records that as active computer time when it is not. It seems to even record the reminder to track my time as active computer time. So my timesheet is full, but the majority is computer functions that I'd like the program to completely ignore. It is quite labour intensive to have to go in each day and delete all of the unwanted computer activity, and it appears to be currently all or nothing. For example I can't select certain entries in the "timecamp data collector" computer activity for it to delete, it's either delete all entries or none.

Anonymous 2019-09-06 06:29 0 comments
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4 votes

Hello when I am invoicing I have to send it to me, the client and their accounting team. Hence, it is very inconvenient not to be able to send the same invoice to multiple people.

Anonymous 2019-04-25 08:16 2 comments
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4 votes

It would be super useful if there is a feature in the android app that allows automatic tracking.

Anonymous 2019-07-13 02:36 0 comments
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4 votes

Workspaces suggestion

Workspaces will give you the possibility to create many accounts in one TimeCamp interface and switch between them.

Anonymous 2019-04-09 14:35 0 comments
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3 votes

The time entries can indicate whether the registration was a telephone call, meeting, presentation or the like.

upa628287 2020-12-26 15:11 1 comment
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